The past year has brought an increasing number of articles on Marcellus Shale — addressing the science, the number of wells, the volume of gas and the actual and possible effects on the environment in the commonwealth. There are articles espousing the industry viewpoint — drilling is good, prosperity is just around the corner, the drilling industry would never do anything to hurt anyone.
There are an increasing number of articles from the naturalists — drilling is bad, radiation will contaminate our waters, the industry is evil. There seems to be no one espousing the realist position — the industry is here, the gas is here, we need to find ways to maximize the benefits and minimize the detriments to the commonwealth.
For several generations, Pennsylvania has suffered a decline in jobs available to its youth. High school and college graduates have left this state for greener pastures elsewhere. Pennsylvania’s population has declined as has its political influence. We are a state of older workers. Workers older than age 45 comprise more than 37 percent of our statewide workforce.
Pennsylvania used to be the center of the economic universe of the United States — supplying much of the coal and steel used to build railroads, bridges and other infrastructure that permitted nationwide industrial growth. During the last 50 years or so, we have stopped being an economic engine of prosperity and have settled into a familiar pattern of loss of manufacturing jobs, loss of our industrial base and increase in lower paying service jobs.
The Marcellus Shale gas play will permit Pennsylvania to again generate jobs and wealth for all its citizens — if properly managed by everyone involved, including the gas drillers and the commonwealth. The Marcellus Shale gas industry is here to stay.
We can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. We can’t, and shouldn’t, try to stop the drilling. What we, as Pennsylvanians, should do is make sure that the citizens of the commonwealth receive the maximum benefit from this new engine of prosperity.
What does that mean? It means that yes, we must regulate, inspect and oversee the industry to ensure that Penn’s Woods remains as beautiful and vibrant as possible. It also means that we must permit the gas drillers to drill, to use our water and to hire our citizens.
However, it also means that we must make sure that the wealth generated by the industry stays in the state — to build new businesses, grow our existing businesses and create new manufacturing and industrial jobs for Pennsylvania’s youth so they can stay in this state to raise their families and enjoy the wonders of the commonwealth.
As I see it, right now, there seems to be no concerted effort at the state or industry level to coordinate economic development efforts throughout the region so the commonwealth maximizes the benefits while minimizing the risk. DEP is racing to catch up on the regulatory side of the problem.
Labor and industry is concentrating on training Pennsylvanians for jobs in the drilling industry. The Governor’s Action Team in DCED hasn’t been at all visible. The Marcellus Shale Coalition is, rightfully, also concentrating its efforts on developing drilling industry jobs for Pennsylvanians. But I have seen no government agency or industry initiative designed with the larger view — creating economic development opportunities in nondrilling industries or assisting existing Pennsylvania businesses to enter the drilling industry.
The current budget crisis in the commonwealth will make it difficult to fund all the necessary DEP efforts to keep up with the inspections and regulations. Creation of a coordinated economic development initiative at the state level will be difficult to fund — unless the industry decides that it sees the economic and public relations value in such a program and decides to join the commonwealth in its funding.
Let’s hope that all the powers-that-be see that the Marcellus Shale gas play is here to stay and that it presents the commonwealth with tremendous opportunity for long-term growth and development that needs to be encouraged and managed by everyone.
Anna Marie Sossong is an attorney at Skarlatos & Zonarich LLC in Harrisburg.
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