Guest Column By Jim Bowman
Our American government has become a fuzz ball for dysfunctional activity. Consider our mounting debt, quickly while it still hovers around $14 billion.
Check out all the state governments, especially the ones most privy to ongoing border invasions, which Washington refuses to even address. And how about the ease of initiating combat operations since the scuttling of the draft? Today, it appears to be Libya’s turn in the democracy barrel. Last but far from the least is our ongoing constitutional crisis, which our media generally chooses to ignore.
Can anyone get past the politics of politics for a minute in order to judge the inept insanity of our budget quagmire? Last year’s Democratically controlled Congress refused its basic responsibility for addressing the following year’s budget. Reason tells us that few wanted their names associated with the looming fall elections. So, if this becomes the norm, every other year will feature Congress passing the previous and the next year’s budget. As such, we the people may enjoy a reprieve from additional legislation during the year taken up by financial bickering.
Contrast Washington with the governmental leadership in Wisconsin. Here is a governor who recognizes the mounting injury to his state and its citizens yet suffers every abuse printable from our media. Given that Wisconsin is not a border state, the red ink still signals the need for change.
Also, I fail to see the need or reason for college students to act like spoiled little children while their contribution to the work force still is in waiting.
As a survivor of enforcing Washington’s foreign melees, I shudder when thinking of the unremitting overseas deployments our “volunteer Army” is asked to endure, all without congressional backup. As the saying goes, “Some things never change.” It certainly bears consideration as to the free hand this volunteer service has presented to bureaucratic bravehearts. Other than Lt. Calley, just who is accountable for our losses?
If all this isn’t bad enough, we at home have been fettered under an ongoing constitutional defiance that somehow does not merit journalistic attention.
In recounting this gross injustice to the enumerated powers of government, backroom deals, bribery and collusion greased the congressional passage of a health care bill, which the average man in the street readily understands to be unconstitutional. Still, congressional passage led to the bill’s presidential signing.
State after state joined in legal action against this usurpation into our medical industry. As it stands, after a Florida District Court of the United States ruled the entire health care law unconstitutional, the Obama administration continued on without any pause or recognition to the court order.
Having his ruling defiled, Judge Vinson once again ordered the defendants, in this case, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to file an appeal “within seven calendar days.” This appeal, which was filed within the specified time, is merely a formality prior to a Supreme Court review. Anyone with a working familiarity of our Constitution fully acknowledges the law’s unconstitutionality. Sadly, this is just one instance of this administration’s flagrant defiance.
For too long, the state of Arizona has been victimized by years of illegal entry from foreigners. As one of our southwestern states, Arizona has endured what our Constitution aptly terms an “invasion.” This disorder has reached the levels of outright criminal activity which has caused brutal loss of American lives.
Article IV, Section 4 of our Constitution states, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion …”
Not only has this protection been adamantly refused to Arizona, the federal government has taken legal steps against that state. Washington has also joined in a different suit against Arizona with other foreign countries.
The time is long since past when political ideologies carried the day. We are all Americans and what is done to one is done to all. I find it terrifying that this abandonment of one of our states can take place without a public outcry. This constitutional safeguard is exactly the meat of our NATO alliance of mutual assurance.
Should Arizona or our law of the land be of lesser importance? As this crisis continues, our media still finds difficulty in severing its umbilical cord with President Barack Obama. This dysfunctional behavior is classic to that of an enabler.
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