I have a question for the politicians who oppose a referendum for a citizens constitutional convention: If we trust a jury of our peers to decide matters of life and death, why wouldn’t we trust those same people to give us recommendations on how to streamline our state government?
It amazes me that Gov. Tom Corbett and his allies are now in full-scale retreat on this issue after supporting the concept during last year’s campaign. We are now being told, “We are in charge now, and we will reform ourselves. We don’t need a constitutional convention.”
Does anybody really believe that politicians will reform themselves?
Mr. Governor, why can’t we put the question on the November ballot and let the people decide? With all due respect, you campaigned for a convention last year.
People want to reclaim their government because they have lost confidence in their political leaders, but not in themselves.
I recently introduced a bill that calls for the people to decide in November whether they want to convene a constitutional convention to provide recommendations on how to improve our state government. We cannot continue on our current path. A convention would provide an orderly way for Pennsylvanians to decide what is best for the state and would prevent these reforms from being tied up in legal challenges for years. This is to be a citizens convention, and the body of delegates must accurately represent the citizenry. We need to look at this issue not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Pennsylvanians. We have a chance to reform our government to reflect the new century we are living in. If political leadership sets the agenda and elects the delegates, it is not a citizens convention; it is a politician’s convention.
Here are a few key highlights of my bill:
• The recommendations of the convention shall be submitted to the electorate as determined by the convention.
• The convention shall frame the ballot question or questions.
• The recommendations of the convention shall be submitted to the electors for their approval or rejection.
It is very important to point out that under my bill no changes would be implemented unless the people voted to approve it.
Please visit www.pahouse.com/conklin and look at House Bill 763. I then ask you to call your representatives and ask them to bring the bill up for a vote.
State Rep.Scott Conklin represents the 77th District.
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