May 24, 2011

Romney Unacceptable

Mitt Ronmey is completely unacceptable to many conservative Republicans and Tea Party supporters, like myself, who are advancing the ideals of true republican principles and limited government. Romney has been too moderate ever since he gave his home state Massachusetts "Romneycare," the very template for socialist "Obamacare". No governor who has so damaged his own state and pushed such a anti limited government/Socialist philosophy can ever get conservative support during the upcoming presidential election in 2012.

But Romney's history of support for socialistic ideals is not my only objection to Mitt. He is, like his late father George, a northeastern "moderate" (read unprincipled) RINO; Republican In Name Only. Back when he was governor in MA he seemingly felt the "wind" blowing left, so he went right along. In 2008, feeling a conservative backlash to McCain, he became the "conservative" candidate.

Romney is your classic political chameleon. Like Former Governor Christ of Florida, Romney's "core principles" are to be found in his latest polls or focus groups. Now he's trying to once again sell himself as a conservative. It isn't going to work. This is not the type of leadership we need in Washington D.C. to turn our economy around and push for political reforms. There is nothing in "Romneycare" that suggest any glimmer of support for constitutional principles or limited government.

Moreover Romney is a big government "inside the beltway" Republican who can never be trusted to actually reduce the size of government or stop illegal immigration, so much favored as a source of cheap labor by his corporate backers. Romney is part of the Problem not the Solution. The sooner Romney drops out the healthier the GOP 2012 field will become.

Many say real conservatives can't win in 2012? Tell that to those of us who supported Ronald W. Reagan, the greatest president of the 20th century. And who are we running against? Jimmy Cater only worse! Should the GOP nominate the likes of Romney next year, Obama will be re-elected because we of the Tea Party will form a new third party that will, after even more damage to our nation by Obama, be the New majority party in 2016. If the country survives Obama's tenure.

Romney needs to face the reality that his candidacy is over. Oh and take Newt Gingrich with you!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see Romney dealt with and gotten out of the way.
